The team
The team
A wonderful team of 15 people is working at Peace Home on weekdays to ensure the youth with special needs get the care and attention they need to develop. Without the strong and motivated team, Peace Home would not be where it is today.
The children
Currently Peace Home is supporting 30 youths with special needs from Busua and Dixcove. We see them as part of the Peace Home family and members of the project. We are happy to unite everyone through this good cause and create awareness in the community.
Manager Vera
Vera is a young woman from Dixcove, the neighbouring village to Busua. Vera got acquainted with Peace Home through a neighbour who told her about the project.
After coming to the Christmas/New Year party in 2020 and showing her passion for and skills in working with children with disabilities, she joined the team. Aside from that, her passion and strong personality make for a go-getter who knows how to get things done and has strong organisational skills.
Therefore she got the managing position. She makes sure Peace Home keeps moving forward and the day-to-day work continues.
The head caretaker
Marcus has been with Peace Home from the very beginning. Starting out as a Food Sharer when Peace Home didn't have it's own location yet. The children who were then members of Peace Home received a meal a day at home plus some love and attention of course.
Marcus is now Head Caregiver at Peace Home, ensuring the work the Care-Givers do, goes smoothly and in the best interest of all the individual members with special needs. He shows the utmost respect to every individual and knows quite a few of the children the best and longest as he had been working with Peace Home for all these years.
Marcus also resides at Peace Home to take care of the animals and ensure the place is neat and secured at all times.
The caretakers
Juliana & Sylvia & Thomas
When the day-centre officially opened in March 2022, it was time to employ more caregivers to take care of the children with special needs. First Sylvia and Juliana joined the team. They are natives from Busua who initially had no experience in teaching or working with children with special needs. When you see them with the children now, you would never guess. They now how to make them laugh and calm them down when necessary but most importantly how to make them feel at home and heard.
Later on, Thomas from Dixcove joined the team. A very calm and respectful young man whom Vera already knew. He has some experience in teaching but wanted something different than regular education. He fits in perfectly at Peace Home. His nephew is also one of the members at Peace Home and they come together every day.
The Janitor
Phyllis has also been with Peace Home for a long time. She firstly took over the job as Food Sharer from a previous team member. When the day-centre was completed, Phyllis role changed to become the janitor. Keeping the day-centre clean and tidy is very important. She als knows exaclty where everything is kept and is the first to open up and last to lock up the day-centre every day.
Aside from these tasks, Phyllis knows the children well and helps the care-givers out a lot.
The teaching assistant
Edbert or 'teacher' has known Peace Home for a long time and would always say he wanted to join the team as soon as Peace Home was ready to start teaching.
Edbert is from Busua and has taught at the public school in the village. He also has a degree in art and has given art work shops to the children before.
Teacher is always the first to arrive in the morning and does a great job at assisting Isaac.
His joy in being at Peace Home is vibrant and contagious.
The cooking Aunties
Dora, Elizabeth and Rebecca
One of the essential activities of Peace Home, is providing all the members with a nutritious meal every day for them to feel strong and healthy.
For this to be possible, three respected ladies from Busua became part of the team. They were part of the team even before Peace Home had its own kitchen. They now cook in the kitchen on-site, including vegetables from Peace Home's own garden. Once a month we go to the market to buy all the essentials for the Aunties to cook the fresh meals daily.
Gardner & land caretaker
Mr. Moses
Mr. Moses started out by voluntering at Peace Home around the opening ceremony in 2022. He is from Busua and loved being here and helping the children so much that he would come daily. It became evident that his help was much appreciated by the team and that Mr Moses' calm and peaceful energy are perfect when working with the members of Peace Home.
Later Mr. Moses showed interest in taking over the job as a gardener. We had been looking for a new gardener for a long time without success. Mr. Moses turned out to know quite a lot about farming.
The Rehabilitation therapist
When we were looking for new employees after the opening ceremony. A neighbour in Busua told us about a family member who had experience in working with children with special needs as a rehabilitation officer. We didn't know much about what that exactly entailed but it soon became apparent that the skills Hilda has are more than we could wish for from one person.
Hilda does physiotherapy, makes rehabilitation plans, nutrition plans and more. She is also very creative (into fashion and beauty) and shows this in her work. She always finds new ways to help the children physically develop on all levels.
Aside from that, the children love her. The trust-filled bonds she develops with them have great positive effects on the progress the children make.
The psychiatric nurses
Nellie and Shadrack
As there are a lot of members of peace home with mental and physical challenges, it seemed important to us to employ a nurse who could get to know them well and work with them. A psychiatric nurse has general nursing skills and is specialised in psychiatry which seemed like a perfect fit at Peace Home.
As most places in the world, in Ghana nurses are in high demand. Therefore it was difficult for us to employ one nurse full time. So Nellie and Shadrack joined the team.
Nellie is someone we got to know through a mutual friend and Shadrack came from the close-by town Agona. Both also have jobs elsewhere, so they take turns at Peace Home every other week.
The nurses make sure everyone gets their medication, see the necessary specialists, treat wounds and sickness.
The caretaker
The Dutchies 🇳🇱
Holly is a nurse that found love for working with people with special needs through her versatile profession.
social worker
Shalu is a social worker who has travelled and worked in different parts of the world to help children with special needs.
Sarah is a primary school teacher with experience in and a passion for working with children and their special needs.
Are you looking to join our team, or to understand how to get involved?
Postal Address
P.O. Box MC 2525, Takoradi Market Circle, Ghana
🇬🇭 GH +233 54 237 3819
🇳🇱 NL +316 33 686 319